iheart object
NYC | 2007-present
iheart object uses everyday objects as canvas, playing the line between machine and hand, mass-produced and custom. This project began in 2007 and is ongoing.
As the 1960s and 70s counterculture was a revolt against 1950s conformity, the current desire for handmade goods reflects a desire to define identity through customized consumption.
Luxury symbols are now created and sold as mass prestige, manufactured by an international supply chain chain without borders.
Where lies the soul of these symbols?
In 2014, low times and a street sign inspired a new twist. You can love the place, but can the place love you?
Jesper Lund, Lullu Brandt, Syama Meagher, Tahir Hemphill, Chris McNally, Lily Jane Morris, David Sebastian Buus.